A special message from the chef...
"Grilled Maine Oysters make for an unforgettable appetizer and decadent treat for your favorite friends. I created this recipe to highlight what oysters are best for -and that's grilling...accompanied with my signature Salsa Verde Butter. Bonus: this recipe is super easy to follow and will leave a lasting impression on your guests."
- 24 Plush Damariscotta Maine Oysters
- Zesty Salsa Verde Butter (top-secret, signature recipe)
- One Fresh Lemon
- Preheat grill to 400-degrees.
- Shuck oysters. [Click here for instructions]
- Cut my signature Salsa Verde Butter into 1" dabs and place one dab on each oyster
- Chef trick: loosely crumple aluminum foil onto a pan and place spread oysters (shell down). This will help keep the lovely juices from escaping the oysters!
- Place pan on grill.
- Once the oysters start to bubble, generously squeeze lemon over oysters
- Pull from grill.
- Using tongs, place each oyster on a platter and serve.