Chef Dena's Grilled Lobster Tails in Salsa Verde Butter Recipe image by Get Maine Lobster

Chef Dena's Grilled Lobster Tails in Salsa Verde Butter

A special message from the chef...

"Nothing embodies that "summertime" flavor like Maine lobster tails on the grill. Grilling lobster tails at high temperature creates an extra special culinary experience, unearthing exceptional flavors embedded in the shell. Lathered in my exclusive, signature Salsa Verde Butter, these grilled tails will take your guest's tastebuds to the moon."


  • Eight Succulent Maine Lobster Tails (4-5 oz./each)
  • Zesty Salsa Verde Butter (top-secret, signature recipe)
  • One Fresh Lemon


  1. Preheat grill to high.
  2. Using kitchen shears, cut lobster tail to fins (bottom side) and spread shell.
  3. Cut 1" dabs of my signature Salsa Verde Butter and place one on each lobster tail.
  4. Shell down, place lobster tails on grill.
  5. Grill lobster tails for 4 mins and then rotate, grill for another 2-3 minutes.
  6. Lobster tail meat will become bright white.
  7. Pull from grill with tongs and place on platter.
  8. Squeeze fresh lemon generously over lobster tails.

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