Spotlight: Maine Bluefin Tuna

Delicious. Exotic. Sustainable.

Maine Bluefin Tuna is more than just a legendary sushi fish, it’s a truly magnificent catch of massive proportions with potential to reach 14 feet in length and weigh over 2,000 pounds. Even the average size commercially harvested Maine Bluefin comes in at a whopping 300-400 pounds! It almost goes without saying - bluefin tuna steaks are substantial, boasting texture and firmness that’s comparable to raw beefsteak. Plus bluefin is the fattiest tuna fish, so its meat also packs a punch in the flavor department. These facts are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to all the reasons why this giant fish is regarded as a culinary luxury worldwide.

At Get Maine Lobster, we’re pleased to offer bluefin tuna that’s responsibly sourced from our local Gulf of Maine waters.

Our bluefin tuna fishery here in Maine operates under strict regulations established by the International Commission on Conservation of Atlantic Tunas, and regulated in the United States by the National Marine Fisheries Service. These regulations were created to reestablish sustainable bluefin tuna populations of Eastern and Western Atlantic ocean stock. To follow these guidelines, Maine’s commercial fishermen are required to hold permits, observe restricted seasonal quotas, and bring in no more than three bluefin tuna per day.

As many Maine fishermen have done throughout the generations, bluefin tuna fishermen rely on smaller day-boats, and “hook and line” to bring in their catch, fishing when schools of bluefin naturally migrate to our area of the Atlantic.

Unlike its humble cousin of a canned variety, bluefin tuna isn’t something you’ll usually find at your supermarket.

Given the sustainable practices in place, and the long range migration pattern of bluefin tuna, you're most likely to find this rare and luxurious catch served in fine dining establishments, and upscale sushi restaurants. If you hit the season right, bluefin tuna is a delicacy you can have delivered to your doorstep, and enjoy at home. With rich flavor, beefy texture and hearty firmness, bluefin tuna tastes best when served raw. It’s no wonder bluefin tuna is widely regarded as the "filet mignon" of sushi! For adventurous at-home sushi chefs, bluefin tuna is an absolute must. If you aren't ready to roll your own spicy bluefin tuna maki, try pan searing a few beefy tuna steaks to perfection. Be sure to remove your fish from the heat while it's nice and rare for the best flavor.

Let us deliver delicious, exotic and sustainably caught Maine Bluefin Tuna to your doorstep today!

A word to the wise: When Maine Bluefin Tuna is in season, don't delay on placing your order. These highly migratory fish are incredibly fast (swimming up to 45mph!) and won't stick around our corner of the Atlantic ocean for long.

Fly in some fresh-caught Bluefin Tuna >

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